Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a really nice Easter morning. Sarah woke up to discover the Easter Bunny had stopped by and filled her basket. Then we attended a wonderful Easter Passion Play at our church. It was awesome! We had a really quite lunch since Sarah slept through most of it!

She ran down the hall like she does every morning making a bee line for the kitchen. She ran straight to her table when she saw what the Easter Bunny left her.

This was the only full length picture of her Easter outfit.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Joy and Chris this is a beautiful blog. I'm so glad I saw the reference to it and decided to check it out. Sarah is so beautiful. Momma and Daddy would have adored her and all of the babies that God has blessed our family with since their passing. Also Uncle Amos and Jimmy would really enjoy all these kids. I can just hear Jimmy saying "I'll give you a quarter if you can say 'Roll Tide!'

These are great photos. She was really checking out that basket. Her dress is adorable.

I'm saving this link so I can check back often to see how y'all are doing. Love, hugs and kisses. Aunt Sandra