Monday, November 23, 2009

A Choo Choo & A Parade

Saturday we went downtown to the Lights Festival Parade.  We took the train into the city.  To say Sarah was excited would be an understatement.  She barely slept a wink the night before.  I hope Chris learned his lesson not to spill on a suprise the night before!

I love this picture with her reflection and she did too!

I worked until until 3 PM which turned out to be a mistake.  We only caught the tail end of the parade.  Thankfully Chris was tall enough for Sarah to sit on his shoulders and see more than we could.  It was all worth having a fun family experience and watching Sarah have such a grand time!

She was either waving at Minnie Mouse or Santa Claus.  She may have been waving at Frosty the Snowman too!

1 comment:

Cherise said...

How fun! They have one here in Ft Worth and we went a couple years ago. Wanted to go this year, but I had a cough and it was a bit chilly.