Monday, April 5, 2010

Visit with The Easter Bunny

Poor Sarah could care less about visiting the Easter Bunny.  She was more excited this year about Santa Claus, but I think we built it up more than the Bunny.  I tried taking her by myself, but ended having to go back when Chris could help.

She was still a little freaked by the mechanical bunnies.  She was okay looking at them earlier in the week, but forget about it after being forced to sit next to the big Bunny.  I would imagine my need for a picture memory of her with the bunny may cause a need for therapy for her when she's older.

She was trying to give me a kiss.  It was the best picture of the two of us.

We always park outside of Barnes & Noble.  She loves to play on the stage and read books after our visit to the mall.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Looks like lots of fun. Hope you had a great easter.