Friday, August 20, 2010

Once Upon a Time....

This child has an amazing imagination!  It's truly one of my many favorite things about my firstborn.  Yesterday, she shared with me one of her fairytales.  It went a little something like this.....

Once Upon A Time there was a big bad wolf named Mommy Wolf.  There was a little pig named Sarah Pig.  She made her house out of graw (straw).  Mommy Wolf came into Sarah Pig's house.  Sarah Pig was making bug soup.  The bugs jumped all over Mommy Wolf & tickled her (insert sound effects from the Wolf being tickled).  Mommy Wolf ran away.

But there's more to the story....

Sarah Pig ran to Daddy Pig's house.  He built his house from bricks.  It took a long time, but it was strong.

At this point, she starts getting hyper and I couldn't understand what else happened to Mommy Wolf. 

Should I worry that she sees me as the villan of the story?

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