Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Festivities

This year we enjoyed a lot of different Halloween festivites.  It was really a lot of fun!

 Sarah's 3 year old preschool class.  Notice Buzz Lightyear & Woody.  They are twins & their mom homemade their costumes!
 Thursday night we went to the Hoffman Estates High School for their carnival.  Black Spider Man (Mazi) and Little Red had a great time!

 The next day we went to Club Kidfield.  My pictures didn't turn out since there were so many people.  But a photographer from the Daily Herald caught a cute picture of Sarah & other little ones dancing.  I'll try to find a link.

1 comment:

Antony Lim said...

happy halloween... ^^

HTTP://ANTONYLIM91.BLOGSPOT.COM/... My Blog^^ Feel free to visit.