Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Grandma & Whoever Else Keeps Up With The Ballengers;

Blogger isn't allowing me to upload photos of your precious granddaughter.  It will allow me to do so from the laptop which has horrible downloading and storage issues but not from the computer where our pictures are stored.  I will continue to work so you can keep up with our dimple darling.




Angel The Alien said...

Blogger has been having lots of issues lately. You'd think they'd have everything running like a well-oiled machine, being owned by Google and all!

Kristy said...

Shoot! I was wondering how Sarah's birthday was? Hopefully Blogger will get the kinks worked out soon.

gusDon said...

I'm reminded of my nephew, she is also the same age as your daughter, so beautiful!
Together the family would be nice!