Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Sarah's first day of Kindergarten was August 22, 2012!  She was super excited and didn't appear nervous at all.  She had a little bit of a struggle going to sleep the night before since we've had a horrible schedule this summer.  She was up as soon as she heard my alarm clock go off.  She kept asking me 'How much longer before we leave for school?'  She couldn't wait to get there!
I was nervous the couple of weeks leading up to the start of school.  We elected for her to be 80% immered in Spanish during Kindergarten.  I was worried she would be so confused.  It ends up I had nothing to worry about.  She loves it!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed as the cirriculum begins to get more difficult over the next few months.
I was more so sad at what being a Kindergartener represented.  So many people during her toddler years would say how fast their kids would grow once the school years started.  Now the school years are here!  I did fairly good that morning.  I teared up, but didn't cry like I did at her frst day of  3 year old preschool.

We live within walking distance of school.  She was so excited that she was skipping down the pathway!

All the kids grade K-6 line up outside the school until the teachers come between 7:55 - 8:00 to walk them to the classroom.  When the temps reach 12 degrees or colder, they are allowed to wait inside.  SERIOUSLY?  Here's hoping to another mild winter!

All smiles at pick-up just 2 1/2 short hours later!

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