Thursday, January 10, 2008

Achievments and Milestones

We have accomplished a few very nice things over the past few days. They are as follows:

#1 Crawling (Army Crawling that is with help from the toes!)
Sarah is 8 months old and has no interest in crawling. She can roll and squirm to get anywhere and anything that she wants. Every once in a while she will get close to having her knees under her, but I think it is only by accident. Someone told me that rolling was Sarah's way of conserving engery! Only 8 months old and already going green :) Finally tonight she made an effort to get to something without rolling or squirming. She pulled with her arms and pushed with her toes to get to the object. It was her shoes that she wanted to get to of course. I believe she may have the beginnings of a shoe fetish.

#2 The Pincher Grasp
She has started eating the little Gerber puffs. I noticed that she uses the pincher grasp to pick up the puffs. She's been exploring with these two little fingers for a while now. I was a little surprised to learn that this is considered a difficult task for an 8 month old. It only confirms for me that she may be tiny, but all of her developmental processes are coming along nicely.

#3 Putting Herself to Sleep
I finally decided that it is only fair to Sarah for me to start teaching her to fall asleep on her own. I have been enjoying the cuddly time together when I rock her to sleep. She was falling asleep on her own when she was 3 months old, but she and I came down with a nasty cold just a few days into this sleep training process and I was too tired and too sick to work with her. So I gave in and started rocking her again.
Last night she fought me rocking her so much that I just put her in the crib. She played with her toys for a few minutes, whined for about 5 minutes, cried a little (very little) in between and finally fell asleep. It probably didn't take no more than 5 minutes. Tonight I probably got a freebie because she feel asleep nursing. I had to wake her up to finish. I guess I can cout tonight a success too since I didn't necessairly rock her to sleep although she did nurse down.

We were just goofing around so I took a picture of the both of us having fun. I cut off part of myself, but I thought the picture still turned out cute.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I can't believe how grown up Sarah is getting and all the fun things she is learning to do now! I think the pictures of you and Sarah is so cute. Thanks again for bailing us out this morning.