Sunday, February 21, 2010

Potty Training and Technology

This is what we have resorted to with potty training.  The word "resorted" is pretty strong.  We work with her readiness.  She showed early signs of readiness a year ago.  When we are out in public she wants to go.  During Christams vacation in Alabama, she stayed dry in a pull-up.  Now she has no desire to even try not even in public anymore.  I'm sure this is normal.  I'd like to think I'm in no rush, but who are we kidding?


Melissa said...

Sorry to hear the bad news. It will come and be so nice.

Kristy said...

Oh man! Potty training is tough! I think we went at it for a year with Olivia. Charlotte has been working on it but it is here and there. Keep your chin up, eventually it just clicks for them.