Monday, September 26, 2011

DuPage Children's Museum

Sarah participated in the Summer Reading Program at our local library.  Each week she received rewards for reading and a pass to our favorite children's museum was one of them!  We hadn't been in a couple of years and now that's she's four it was the perfect age.  We met up with a friend and had a ton of fun!

 This is the snap I got when I thought I had turned my flash off.  I love their smiles.  They were just too wiggly to ask for one more picture!

 You can't see it, but this ring closes them into a bubble!

The upstairs has been redone into a train exhibit.  When I went to check on her, she had set up a chair at the ticket booth and was selling train tickets!

1 comment:

Kristin Jones said...

So fun! We love it there!!