Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Goebert's Pumpkin Farm

This post may contain a lot of pictures depending on your relationship to Sarah!

 We made it to the pumpkin patch last week.  It's most unfortunate for any one who goes with us because I always pick a miserable day to go.  Hello hair tangles for the both of us!  Wind is miserable except when I'm tucked in to the comforts of home. 

I didn't take pictures of her next to pumpkins on the ground since it had just rained.  I am hoping to go back, but from the looks of the weather forecast, the best is probably over.  Stay tuned for another pumpkin patch pictures if everything comes together weather/work wise!

Don't you just love a giraffe's tongue?  A few years ago before they built this viewing deck, I fed one a carrot.  You had to let it take the carrot from your hand.  It was a really neat experience.

I was really shocked how close Sarah came to feeding the giraffe.  Then we bought feed in the tents and she was all about feeding the animals.  This is a first for her.

 I got great shots of Mazi copying the dinosaur.  This year Sarah had zeo to do with the dinosaur.  She stood way behind me the whole time!

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