Monday, October 18, 2010

All Too Soon

This little girl insist on growing up all too soon!  When I'm getting ready for the day, she is right next to me.  I really enjoy it.  It's fun watching her pretend to put on make-up.

On a slightly different note, there are days that I think she trying to drive me crazy or kill me.  Last week, I just finished shredding a whole chicken.  I set it in a bowl off to the side away from the dogs.  A few moments later I went back to the kitchen to make the casserole & I couldn't find the bowl.  It took less than a second to know that Sarah had taken it outside to the dogs!
While I was on the phone with my mom that very same afternoon telling her about her granddaughter's misadventures, I hear a crash in the living room.  Sarah had bent the door on my solid oak entertainment center back upon itself until it seperated and broke off.  I'm not sure if I'll still have a house standing on it's foundation by the time we get her to adulthood!

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