Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Monday

Life has been so busy lately.  I work a non-traditional schedule so I can be home with Sarah while Chris is at work.  The down side to that is we are rarely home together as a family and only have one day a week off together and that's if I'm not at a bridal expo.

  I usually take Mondays to catch up on chores and errands. Lately I feel like my body is on the verge of shut down.  So today we planned a more laid back approach.  While Sarah was at school, I came home and did a little work.  After school we went to a friend's house and spent a lazy afternoon with healthy snacks for moms, good chat among friends, and a great play date for the kids!  

Darth Vader & Iron Man a.k.a. Carter and Sarah

I got a good laugh at the height difference the Iron Man helmet gave to Sarah over Carter.  She is taller than him, but not by that much!

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