Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yard Work

 Yard work has been my new chore this spring, summer, and fall season.  Chris has been in some serious pain for a long time now.  When the cold weather lost it's grip and the grass began to grow, I knew yard work was my new chore. 

Growing up, my mom did't allow us to be outside if dad was mowing the grass.  When we got our own lawn to care for, I would help Chris, but as soon as the mower came out, it was instinctual for me to go into the house.  So can you imagine the first time I mowed grass this past spring?  A neighbor actually came out to see what was the matter with Chris!

Even though it's been time consuming and sometimes frustrating to figure out the issues our mower has had, I'm thankful for the experience.  I'm very grateful that I am able bodied and even got a little exercise along the way! 

Now onto a new adventure in the coming weeks; learning to use the snow blower!

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