Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christmas 2012 - Part 3 Alabama

Two days after Christmas, Sarah and I made our annual trip to Alabama.  We intended to leave the day after Christmas, but Winter Storm Drako kept us home consideing it was forecasted to cause blizzard like conditions right through the heart of our trip.  Thankfully we only encountered about 20 miles of horrible road conditions that took an hour make our way through.  Much better than it could have been.
She kept herself entertained for the most part.  The last three hours have always been the most difficult for her.  I had to turn on music to keep me focused and she didn't like that it wasn't her music or movies.  She fussed and I ignored her.  It got really quite in the back seat and this is what I saw!
Next year I'm taking a nice roll of large stickers with me!
We made it to Grandpa's house after about 13 hours in the car.  The plans were to have Christmas together 2 days later so I wouldn't be so road weary.  The plans changed without me knowing.  The camera was packed deep in the car and we looked pretty haggered.  I hate that I don't have better pictures. 

Sarah & Aunt Jill

She was so excited to get a DS!  It was at the top of her list right under Kit.

When she unwrapped Furby, she told my Dad, 'My mommy wanted me to have a Furby!'  Maybe I did encourage her to ask for one.  I never had one as a kid and I thought she would love it.  I think Furby may have been my toy for Christmas!

We spent New Year's Eve and Day with my mom.  We went to a favorite local restaurant, San Marcos for dinner.  I usually have my neices and nephews in tow and this time was no different.  They are all growing up so quickly.  I love going from a one kid mommy to a 5 kid crazy mommy/aunt.  It's one of my favorite parts of Christmas vacation!

 My mom and Sarah.  Again another blurry picture.  UGH.

 Girl cousins!  Allison, Sarah, & Anna.
 A little Joy & Jill!
We played games and shot off fireworks as we welcomed 2013.  It was so cute watching these three trying to play Headbands!

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