Friday, July 9, 2010

The 4 "F's" of July 4th - Family, Friends, Food, & Fun

I wanted this year's 4th of July post to basically tell it's story through pictures.  The day started with just the three of us hanging out around the house.  Later in the day, the Khadivars joined us for lunch and playtime. 
I'm really bummed about the pictures of the ribs.  I had beautiful pictures of them on the grill, but no CF card in the camera!

My cousin Jo Ann's pasta salad recipe.  It's so yummy!
 Lemon ice box pies that my mom taught me how to make.

The fun pretty much ended when the kids were playing in the back yard and Chris got stung by either a bee or a wasp.  He had an allergic reaction & that pretty much did it for our playtime.

He felt better when it came time for the fireworks although his hand was swelling and it stayed swollen for a few days following.

This was her first sparkler.  She had a lot of fun with them.
They shot off a firework a little eary I'm guessing to test things out.  I love the look on her face.  (Notice the snacks in her hand.  It's from the game Operation.  She calls them 'sick snacks'.  Love it!
 I narrowed down my favorite pics from the fireworks.  I know I posted a lot of them, but I just couldn't decide which ones to take out. 
 I liked this one the best.  It reminds me of scenes from Star Wars.

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